Well, I grew up as a pastor’s kid. When I was a kid, God showed me that I would be a kids pastor. Since I was an extremely quiet person, the thought of doing that scared me and excited me at the same time! Even as a teen, I couldn’t imagine it...
Beginning the summer of my first year of college, this part of God’s plan began to unfold! All along the way, God has placed me in ministry with some really amazing people. These people have mentored me through the years, and I am so grateful! I have served in kids and family ministry for 20+ years now, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I am currently creating and writing all kinds of fun stuff to help families and kids ministries to tell the greatest story ever!
Looking for some of my favorite faith stories to tell?
This is a really great story…
In 2004, God healed me of adult-onset epilepsy, for which I had been told there was no cure and it was estimated I was having between 50 to 100 seizures a day... say what? You can check in out here.
Here is another great story…
Fast forward to 2016… I experience another healing miracle during and after a TMJ surgery. You can read about it here.