It all started when…
My love for essential oils first started in 2013. I ordered some Young Living peppermint essential oil, and my life was changed forever! The next oil I ordered was lemon essential oil - WoW!
I alternated adding them to my bottled water, and also would use peppermint to help when my head ached!
Believe it or not, I remained a Young Living retail customer, only ordering peppermint and lemon until 2016... that's when I ordered my monthly wellness box, aka premium starter kit, and since then, I have tried all the oils from the starter kit and reordered them many times over. I also quickly realized how great of a deal it is to be an essential rewards member! I save so much more money, get free oils, and more! You can read more about that here.
My family has experienced life changing results. We never want to be without them. I often wonder why I waited so long to order my premium starter kit... all I can think of is that I had no idea what I was missing.
These oils are so amazing, I know that I must share how incredible they are. I want to share them with you so you can experience them, too!
I'm so excited and can't wait to hear from you!